KDAL Dallas Love Field
Love Field has a long history on the Dallas aviation scene. Before the completion of Dallas-Ft. Worth Int’l in 1974, it was the main hub servicing north Texas.
In 1963, it became the only place west of the Mississippi River in which a US president took the oath of office. Lyndon B. Johnson was inaugurated aboard Air Force One on the tarmac of KDAL, after the assassination of JFK in downtown Dallas. The event is commemorated on a bronze plaque that’s set into the pavement at the spot where AF1 was parked at the time, which can be seen in this scenery.
In modern times, KDAL is best known as the home airport and headquarters for Southwest Airlines.
In addition to faithfully recreating the airport, we have also included a custom rendition of downtown Dallas, which features prominently on approaches from the south, and includes custom night lighting for the highest level of immersion.